Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Phase 3, Week 2

Squat - Bar x 8 x 2; 165 x 8, 165 x 6; 275 x 6; 363 x 4; 418 x 3 x 2 sets; 451 x 2; 451 x 1
NOTES: Cut my workout short tonight. I was just not into it mentally plus my hips were bothering me a bit.

Bench Press - Bar x 20; Bar x 15; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x 6; 275 x 4; 315 x 3; 365 x 1; 405 x 1; 415 x 1; 335 x 4 x 6 sets
NOTES: Just wanted to see how 405 felt. I haven't done this much raw in quite a while. It felt pretty good. 415 felt better.
Rolling DB Ext - 40 x 10 x 3 sets
Tricep Pressdowns - 10 x 3 sets

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Phase 3, Week 1

Squat - Bar x 8 x 2 sets; 165 x 6 x 2 sets; 275 x 5; 330 x 4; 385 x 3 x 2 sets; 440 x 3 x 5 sets (96.5%)
RDL's - 275 x 5 x 2 sets; 319 x 5
Leg Extensions - 10 x 3 sets
Good Mornings - 209 x 5 x 5 sets

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 230 x 5; 275 x 4; 32o x 3 x 2 sets; 370 x 3 x 5 sets (97.4%...getting there!)
Floor Presses - 315 x 4; 275 x 5 x 2 sets
Incline Press - 225 x 3 x 2 sets; 245 x 3 x 2 sets; 275 x 3
DB Presses (palms in) - 75 x 10; 85 x 10; 95 x 8
Tricep Pressdowns
NOTES: Everyone from the gym went to Outback after our workout. We all announced our goals for 2009.

Deadlift - Bar x 8; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 225 x 6; 295 x 5; 355 x 4; 415 x 3 x 2 sets; 475 x 3 x 5 sets (103.3%)
Pause Squats - 225 x 5; 315 x 5; 365 x 5
Straight Leg DL - 315 x 7
Pullups - 5 x 3 sets
Bar Rows - 4 plates x 6 x 3 sets

Bench Press - Bar x 20 x 2 sets; 135 x 8 x 2 sets. Pinky On Ring - 185 x 6; 225 x 6; 275 x 5; 315 x 5 x 5 sets
Standing Military - 135 x 6 x 2 sets; 135 x 8
Rolling DB Ext - 40 x 10 x 3 sets

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Phase 2, Week 4

Squats - Bar x 8; 135 x 6 x 2 sets; 225 x 5; 315 x 4; 365 x 3 x 2 sets; 405 x 3; 425 x 3 x 4 sets
RDL's - 225 x 5; 275 x 5 x 4 sets
Shrugs - 20 x 3 sets
Abs - 10 x 3 sets
NOTES: This session was at 93.2% of where I was. I should have gone 430 x 3 x 5 (94%) but I figured wrong. 425 x 3 felt pretty easy so I don't think 430 x 3 would have been much trouble. Trained at Olympic Gym in San Antonio.

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x 5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 365 x 3 x 5 sets (96.0%)
Decline Bench - 225 x 8; 275 x 8; 315 x 8
Incline DB's - 60 x 10; 70 x 10; 90 x 10
Tricep Pressdowns - 10 x 3 sets
SuperSet: Flyes and Hammer Curls - 10 x 3 sets

Deadlift - Bar x 8; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 225 x 6; 315 x 5; 315 x 4; 405 x 3; 455 x 3 x 4 sets (98.9%); 475 x 3 (103.2%)
Squat - 225 x 5 x 2 sets; 315 x 5
Straight Leg DL off block - 275 x 8 x 2 sets
Lat Pulls - 8 x 3 sets
NOTES: My training is going very, very well. I am much pleased with the progress!

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x 5; 275 x 4; 335 x 3 x 2 sets; 385 x 2 x 2 sets (95.1%); 385 x 1.5; 365 x 2 x 2 pause sets (90.1%)
DB Military - 30 x 10; 45 x 10; 60 x 10
Superset: Front Raises/DB Tricep Ext
Superset: Side Raises/Flys
Superset: Rear Delts/DB Curls

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Phase 2, Week 3

Squats - Bar x 8; 165 x 8; 165 x 6; 275 x 5; 341 x 4; 391 x 3 x 2 sets; 451 x 2 x 5 sets
NOTES: This training session was at 93% of where I was.
Good Mornings - 231 x 5 x 5 sets
Prone Leg Curls - 10 x 3 sets
Calves - 15 x 3 sets

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 245 x 5; 290 x 4; 335 x 3 x 2 sets; 380 x 2 x 5 sets
NOTES: This training session was at 95% of where I was. Only got 1.5 reps with 380 on sets 3 & 4.
Standing Military - 95 x 8; 135 x 5 x 5 sets
T-Bar Rows - 10 x 3 sets
DB Ext - 40 x 10; 50 x 10; 70 x 6
DB Hammer Curls

NOTES: Missed Thursday and Saturday workouts due to the Athletic Business trade show in San Antonio.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Month 1 Recap

Well, I made it through a full month of training! I am fairly pleased with the progress. I decided to see what percentages I am currently training at compared to where I was prior to the time off. Here is a recap:

Week 1: SQ - 70% BP - 85% DL - 94%
Week 2: SQ - 80% BP - 88% DL - 94%
Week 3: SQ - 87% BP - 91% DL - Missed
Week 4: SQ - 89% BP - 94% DL - 96%

Bodyweight: The lowest I measured my bw was 263. This morning I was 272.5 so it seems that muscle is returning as well

Hopefully I can keep up this pace throughtout December and early January and then I will be ready to jump into a competition phase for the Aggie Invitational which is at the end of February. I want to be back to 100%+ on all lifts before I start the competition phase. I will recap each week to track my progress.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Phase 2, Week 2

Squats - Bar x 10 x 2 sets; 165 x 8; 165 x 6; 275 x 5; 363 x 3 x 2 sets; 407 x 3 x 5
RDL's - 275 x 5 x 3 sets
Good Mornings - 275 x 3; 187 x 5 x 4 sets
Leg Press - 400 x 10 x 3 sets
NOTES: Great intensity. Tony and I blasted through this workout although I thought I was going to throw up at the end. I didn't so I am good. At this pace, I can't wait to see where I am in 2-3 months.

FOLLOW UP (Wednesday): My legs are SORE!!!
Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 225 x 5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 365 x 3 x 2 sets; 355 x 3 x 3 sets
Military Press - 95 x 8 x 2 sets; 135 x 8
DB Bench - 70 x 10; 100 x 10; 100 x 8
DB Flys - 30 x 10 x 3 sets
DB Curls - 30 x 10 x 3 sets
Tricep Rope Pressdowns - 15 x 3 sets
NOTES: Still a good bit away from where I was before the layoff, but my strength is slowly but surely coming back!

Deadlift (sumo) - Bar x 8; 165 x 8 x 2 sets; 253 x 6; 291 x 5; 346 x 4; 407 x 3 x 2 sets; 462 x 3 x 2 sets; 440 x 3; 429 x 3 x 2 sets
Platform DL (conv) - 275 x 5 x 5 sets
Hammer Lat Pulls - 10 x 3 sets
Hammer DB Curls - 10 x 3 x sets

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 235 x 5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 375 x 2 x 2 sets; 365 x 2 x 3 sets
Incline - 135 x 8; 185 x 8 x 3 sets
Rolling DB Ext - 40 x 10; 60 x 10 x 2 sets
SuperSet: Front Delt Raises/Face Pulls
SuperSet: Side Delt Raises/Abs

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Phase 2, Week 1

Squats - Bar x 10 x 2 sets; 165 x 8 x 2 sets; 275 x 6; 319 x 5; 363 x 4; 402 x 2; 424 x 2 x 4 sets
Romanian DL - 225 x 5 x 2 sets
Good Mornings - 225 x 5 x 3 sets

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 225 x 6; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 355 x 2 x 5 sets
Accessory: Hammer Curls; Rear Delts; Shrugs
NOTES: Trained at Olympic Gym in San Antonio. Old school facility. Met a nice dude named Ed Cosner.

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x 5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 335 x 3; 345 x 3 x 4 sets
Incline Bench - 95 x 8; 135 x 5; 155 x 4 x 2 sets; 175 x 4 x 4 sets; 225 x 4
RDB Ext - 45 x 10 x 3 sets

Monday, November 10, 2008

Phase 1, Week 4

Squats - Bar x 10; Bar x 8; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 225 x 6; 315 x 4; 365 x 3 x 4 sets; 405 x 3
NOTES: Very intense workout tonight. Tony came back from IPF Worlds fired up so we hit hard tonight. This is going to be very good for me I believe.
Accessory: Romanian Deadlifts - 225 x 5 x 2 sets; 315 x 5. Good Mornings - 225 x 5 x 5 sets. Leg Press - 400 x 10 x 3 sets. Abs/Calves.

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x 5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 352.7 x 2 x 4
Accessory: Close Grip Bench - 275 x 5 x 3 sets; Hammer Rows - 10 x 3 sets; Flys - 30 x 10 x 3 sets; DB Bicep Curls - 40 x 8 x 3 sets
NOTES: Goal for USAPL Men's Nationals in Denver, CO is 930 kg (or 2050 lbs).

Deadlifts - Bar x 10; 165 x 8 x 2 sets; 253 x 6; 303 x 5; 363 x 4; 407 x 3 x 2 sets; 463 x 2 x 2 sets
NOTES: I had planned on doing 463 x 2 x 4 sets but I ripped my left hand on the second set. My hand is not too bad so hopefully I will be able to deadlift next week.
Accessory: DB Bicep Curls; Shrugs; Abs

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 210 x 5; 250 x 4; 295 x 3 x 2 sets; 335 x 3 x 4 sets
Military Press - 105 x 10 x 3 sets
Rolling DB Ext - 40 x 10; 50 x 10; 65 x 10

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Phase 1, Week 3

Squats - Bar x 8; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 225 x 5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 5 sets; 405 x 1
NOTES: I backed out my training from February 28, 2009 (Aggie Invitational) to find out that I am going to have to get serious and fast. This week is actually Week 3 of Phase 1! Anyway, everything felt pretty good considering I have not squatted since August 13th! I imagine I am going to be a little sore but I need to ramp my training up pretty quick.
Accessory - Hammer Curls, Abs

Bench - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 225 x 6; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 5 sets
NOTES: I had to train at the hotel gym in El Paso, which was pretty nice, on a Smith Press but at least I got my workout in!
Accessory - Rolling Dumbbell Ext - up to 50 x 10; Tricep Pressdowns; Hammer Curls; Delts

Deadlift - Bar x 8; 155 x 8; 165 x 8; 275 x 5; 345 x 4; 385 x 3; 405 x 3; 435 x 3 x 3
NOTES: This was my first deadlift workout since August 6th, so needless to say I struggled through it. The good news is I have trained more this month than all of September and tomorrows workout will tie October's total. I am on a roll!!
Accessory - DB Curls; Hammer Rows; Abs

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2; 185 x 6; 225 x 5; 295 x 4; 355 x 2; 335 x 3 x 4
NOTES: My strength is way off but at least I am consistent again. I expect to see the gains to come back quickly.
Accessory - Rolling Dumbbells up to 60 x 8; JM Presses; Plate Raises; Side Delts

Saturday, November 1, 2008

November....New Focus....

Bench Press - Bar x 20 x 2 sets; 135 x 8 x 3 giant sets (close grip, regular grip, wide grip). Close Grip - 135 x 8; 225 x 5; 275 x 5 x 6 sets. Wide Grip - 225 x 8 x 3 sets
Standing Military Press - 95 x 8; 135 x 6
Accessory - Flys; Curls; Abs
NOTES: November is the month I am regaining my focus. I have lost about 15 lbs (down to about 265) so it's time to get SERIOUS. I have selected the Texas A&M Invitational as my comeback meet. This meet is scheduled for February 28, 2009 so I will have plenty of time to get back in the groove. I will qualify for Men's Nationals at the meet and plan to compete in Denver in June 2009.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bench Workout...

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x 5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 5 sets
Accessory: Rolling Dumbbell Extensions; Flys; Tricep Pushdowns

Friday, October 17, 2008

New Gym...

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 5 sets; 365 x 1
JM Presses - 95 x 6 x 3 sets
NOTES: I trained at the new gym, Spring Fitness, tonight. Totally different atmosphere and very limited space to train powerlifting. This new place is definitely going to take some adjusting to. I miss The Courthouse....

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Rare Workout...

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 8; 225 x 8; 275 x 8; 315 x 6; 225 x 10
NOTES: My family traveled back to Brandon for the weekend so I got to trained Back and Biceps with Big Jay "Goose" Gousset at The Courthouse in Flowood, MS. I also got to see Rich. It was good to see some of the ole' gang and get a rare workout in.

I have got to get back in the gym. I think things will settle down some once we get the house organized and get back in a normal routine. Everything has been in such limbo for so long but we are getting close....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x 5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 4 sets; 365 x 2
Hammer Rows - 1o x 3 sets
NOTES: I am really struggling getting back into the swing of things. Between moving, getting settled in my new territory with CYBEX, and the powerlifting gym where I was training closing, I just can't seem to get back into to the routine. I guess I will continue to try to do what I can when I can. I haven't done squats since....well, I don't know when....

Saturday, September 27, 2008


I FINALLY got back in the gym!!

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x 5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 5 sets; 365 x 1
Accessory - JM Presses; Flies; Hammer Row; Abs
NOTES: Man, it was really weird training tonight after so much time off. I am looking forward to getting serious again. Stay tuned...

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x 5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 365 x 2 x 2 sets; 350 x 2 x 3 sets
Incline BP - 135 x 10 x 3 sets
Close Grip BP - 135 x 10 x 3 sets; Rolling DB Ext - 40 x 10 x 3 sets
Flys - 35 x 10 x 3 sets; Hammer Rows - 10 x 3 sets
Rear Delts
NOTES: Well my strength is definitely down a bit after taking so much time off. I am going to have to get serious and consistent to get back to where I want to be. I am confident my strength will return quickly.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

New House!

We closed on our new house yesterday in The Woodlands, TX! We are very excited and can't wait go get settled. Here are a couple of videos:



Friday, September 19, 2008

Almost Got Started Back...

Well, I decided today was the day I was going to start back at the gym so tonight I got all prepared and headed that way. On the way, I called my training partner, Tony Cardella, to ask him about the rumor he had heard about the gym we train closing it's doors. He informed me it was true and they were there now loading up what equipment was his. GREAT! I didn't get to train, but I did get a good workout in....loading equipment on a trailor. Now the search is on to find another place to train.....

On a postitive note, it looks like things are recovering post-hurricane Ike. We are set to close on our new house in The Woodlands on Wednesday! We can't wait!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Time Off

Well, if you check my blog often I guess you can tell I have taken some time off since Bench Press Nationals. I believe my body needed the rest plus I have had a lot going on. We are in the process of purchasing a new home in The Woodlands, TX. Oh yeah, we had a little storm called Hurricane Ike blast through as well. Anyway, the rest has done my body some good as all the little aches and pains I have had are gone. I plan to get back in the gym starting this week so check back often! My plan now is to compete in the American Open (3-lift meet) in St. Louis, MO on December 10th. The IPF Masters 3-lift Bench Press Record is currently 639 so I have that in my sights...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008

USAPL Bench Press Nationals Results

Well, I knew it was a huge gamble to open so heavy, but I had my goals set going into the meet and did not deviate from them. Here is how it went:

Last warmup @ 620....video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jDKSqKxFEA
Notes: Felt GREAT! I was ready for action!

1st attempt - 661....video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3Zd27m-2Lk
Notes: Had a tough time touching and the bar floated too much at my chest throwing me out of my groove.

2nd attempt - 672
Notes: Missed groove again.

3rd attempt - 691....video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6UJeUQ09rI
Notes: This was an attempt at a new IPF Masters World Record. Groove was good but first two attempts took a little too much out of me I suppose.

Overall, I am good with the results. It was good to give the World Recort a ride. Now I plan on focusing on some full meets now starting with the American Open in St. Louis this December.

USAPL Bench Press Nationals Report

Friday 3:30 PM - Arrived in Charlotte and got checked into the hotel. Planning to check weigh and get a bite to eat shortly.

Friday 6:30 PM - Just got back from eating a Philly Cheesesteak and some AWESOME cheese-fries (yes, my weigh is looking okay). Chilling in the room with Wilson.

Friday 8:00 PM - Went down to the pool for a cool dip with Wilson, Trey Collins, Joe Smith and Jay Helms.

Friday 11:00 PM - Lights out.

Saturday 8:00 AM - Up and at 'em. About to shower and head to the venue. All womens and men 148-165 this morning. McDonald's for breakfast.

Saturday 11:30 AM - Just got back from venue. Here are some results:
148 class
1. Joe Smith - 446
2. Steve Petrencak - 330

165 class
1. Damian Fronzaglia - 457
2. Jon Mouzon - 451
3. Donovan Thompson - 418
4. Larry Miller - 220 (raw)
Guest. Mykola Oliynyk - 396
Note: Miguel Ruelan bombed with 451, 451, 468

Saturday 5:30 PM - Back in the hotel room after the afternoon session getting ready to watch the Mississippi State Bulldogs put a whoopin' on Louisiana Tech. Pizza for dinner.
181 class
1. Michael Hara - 556.7 (3rd attempt overturned by jury after missing 1st & 2nd)
2. Mike Ciupinski - 507.1
3. Joe DeMatteo - 490.5
Bombs: Danny Thurman; Adam Mamola; Luke Hanifen

198 class
1. Dennis Ceiri - 595.2
2. Bill Hanselman - 545.6
3. Dany Rosenzweig - 446.4
Bombs: Lance Kirchner; Joe McAuliffe; Pete Grohoski

Notes: I was very shocked at the number of missed lifts in the afternoon session today.

Sunday 8:30 AM - Well, Miss. State LOST to La Tech last night, 22-14, so watching the game was not all that fun. Today should be though! I am about to head over to the venue to watch the 220's and 242's this morning. There should be some great battles in both those divisions! I already checked my equipment last night, so all I have to do is weigh-in between 12:00-1:30. I haven't checked my weigh but I should be okay. Lifting starts at 2:00...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Competition Phase, Week 7

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2; 185 x 6; 235 x 4; 285 x 3; 330 x 3 x 2 sets; 355 x 2 x 4. Okay, I know I should not have done this next thing this close to Nationals, but I got a new shirt from Titan Support Systems today (the new Super Katana w/ scoop neck). It was VERY tight when I first put it on so I went 405 x 3. Of course nothing was even close to touching so I went 500 x 2 to a 3-board. It felt really good. This shirt will be a HUGE gamble to use at this meet after just that little bit of work but I may give it a World Record try! :-)

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 5; 225 x 3; 285 x 3; 330 x 2 x 2 sets; 340 x 2
NOTES: Well, that's it for this training cycle. Heading out to Charlotte tomorrow to see what we can do on Sunday. Stay tuned...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Competition Phase, Week 6

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 225 x 6; 280 x 4; 320 x 2. Blue/Black Katana - 405 x 3; 485 x 3; 555 x 2; 585 x 2; 625 x 1 x 3 sets (videos below).
NOTES: Felt pretty decent considering I played 18 holes of golf in the heat and humidity earlier today (or should I say ATTEMPTED to play golf J). Plan is to open with 661 then possibly take a shot at the IPF Masters World Record of 688.

625 Bench Press - Set 1 of 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgzDsB8xxb8

625 Bench Press – Set 2 of 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-9fPaANs3s

625 Bench Press – Set 3 of 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fFjbJH0k8o

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 226 x 5; 319 x 3 x 2 sets; 363 x 3 x 5 sets
Accessory - Rolling DB Extensions

Did not train...in Dallas for THRSA trade show. I got a nice 20 minute massage thought!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Competition Phase, Week 5

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 5; 260 x 3; 305 x 3. Put on Blue/Black Katana - 405 x 3; 475 x 3; 520 x 3; 590 x 2; 620 x 1; 660 x 1 (video below); 660 x 1 (miss)
Accessory - Flys; JM Press with 185/green bands
NOTES: I was feeling a bit torn down going into this workout and my warm up sets did not feel all that great but I forged ahead. Here is a video of my first 660 attempt:

660 Bench Press

This was a very sloppy attempt and you can see my triceps just weren't there. A positive is the weight touched okay. I am hoping that with a little tapering of my training these next few weeks and letting everything recover a little bit this should go at Bench Press Nationals in Charlotte, NC.

Squat – Bar x 8; 135 x 6 x 2 sets; 225 x 5; 275 x 4; 335 x 3; 405 x 3 x 2 sets; 405 x 5; 405 x 10
Bench Press – Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x 3; 275 x 3 x 8 sets
NOTES: All bench press sets done with grips inside the rings.

Did not train. Moving to Houston, TX.
NOTES: It’s amazing that I have been able to train at all with everything I have had going on. I have moved once to Houston a couple of weeks ago (just my stuff) and then out house in MS sold so now we are moving everything to Houston! In addition to that we moved our daughter to Mississippi State last weekend to start her freshman year of college. Needless to say, it has been a little crazy around here. Hopefully I can keep it together enough to make a decent showing at Bench Press Nationals in Charlotte.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Competition Phase, Week 4

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 137 x 8 x 2 sets; 187 x 6; 259 x 6; 303 x 4; 352 x 3 x 2 sets; 402 x 2 x 4 sets
Squat - 135 x 6 x 2 sets; 225 x 6; 315 x 5 x 2 sets; 405 x 3 x 4 sets
NOTES: I am feeling pretty banged up right now. Trip to chiropractor scheduled for Thursday!

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 235 x 5; 285 x 4; 330 x 3 x 2 sets; 380 x 2 x 5 sets
Deadlift - 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 225 x 6; 315 x 5; 385 x 3; 435 x 3 x 3 sets; 475 x 3 x 2 sets
Accessory - Lat Pulls 8 x 3 sets; Flys 8 x 2 sets
NOTES: Trained at Fletcher's House of Power in Baton Rouge.

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 5; 235 x 3; 285 x 3; 330 x 3 x 2 sets; 355 x 3 x 4 sets
Accessory - Tricep Pressdowns; Lat Pulls

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Competition Phase, Week 3

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 165 x 8 x 2; 226 x 6; 319 x 2. Put on Blue/Black Katana - 407 x 3; 496 x 3; 556 x 3; 622 x 2 x 4 sets
NOTES: First heavy shirted workout at Steel Fitness. Nothing touch again but I felt pretty good and got some more great work in this shirt. 622 is the heaviest I have ever gone for doubles so I was pretty pleased! I am going to stick to my plan and see what happens at Bench Nationals.

Squat - Bar x 8; 135 x 6 x 2 sets; 225 x 6; 315 x 5; 405 x 3 x 2 sets; 455 x 3 x 2 sets; 500 x 3 x 2 sets; 405 x 1; 315 x 3
Bench Press - Bar x 20 x 2 sets; 165 x 8 x 2 sets; 231 x 6; 275 x 3 x 4 sets

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 235 x 5; 285 x 4; 335 x 3 x 2 sets; 380 x 3 x sets

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Competition Phase, Week 2

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 235 x 5; 285 x 4. Put on Blue/Black Katana - 405 x 3; 475 x 3; 495 x 3; 545 x 2; 585 x 2; 635 x 1; 675 x 1 (video below); 700 x 1 (video below).

NOTES: This was kind out of nowhere! I planned on working some in my newest Katana so I pushed it to 700! Nothing ever touched but I got some great work in this shirt. I plan to keep working in this shirt and going BIG in Charlotte!

675 Bench Press

700 Bench Press

Squats - 135 x 6 x 2 sets; 225 x 6; 315 x 5; 405 x 6

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 235 x 5; 285 x 4; 330 x 1; 225 x 3 x 6 sets
NOTES: Felt really torn down after Monday's workout so I stayed very light tonight.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Competition Phase, Week 1

Getting ready for Bench Nationals which will be in Charlotte NC on August 30-31...

Squat - Bar x 8; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 225 x 6; 285 x 5; 345 x 4; 405 x 3 x 2 sets; 455 x 3 x 5 sets
Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 260 x 5; 305 x 4; 355 x 3 x 2 sets; 405 x 2 x 4 sets; 405 x 3
Accessory - None tonight

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 165 x 8 x 2 sets; 230 x 6; 280 x 5; 319 x 5; 347 x 4; 380 x 3; 402 x 2 x 2 sets; 374 x 3 x 2 sets; 341 x 4; 319 x 6; 286 x 8; 231 x 10
Deadlift - 165 x 8 x 2 sets; 275 x 6; 319 x 5; 374 x 4; 424 x 3; 496 x 2
NOTES: Trained at Steel Fitness in Spring, TX with Tony Cardella and the gang. This is my soon-to-be new training facility.

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 235 x 5; 285 x 4; 330 x 3 x 2 sets; 380 x 3 x 5 sets
Squat - Bar x 6; 135 x 6 x 2 sets; 225 x 6; 275 x 5; 315 x 4; 405 x 3 x 2 sets; 455 x 3; 495 x 3

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

IPF Bench Worlds Notes...

Donovan Thompson, IPF Bench Press Worlds TEAM USA Coach on my performance in Prague:

"Byron Nichols was a rookie on the Open World Team, but not a rookie to World competition. He has competed at the Masters Worlds in the past. He decided this year after he made the Open team to skip the Masters to see how he matched up against the big boys. He missed his groove on his 622 opener and couldn't lock out his second at 633. It looked to me like he was getting compressed by the weight. Not that 633 wouldn't absolutely crush me, but I had to say something. I said only one thing, listen for me I will be the one yelling chest up. It worked, he kept his chest up and rammed 633 lbs. to the top. If you haven't seen the picture of him jumping up and down after his third attempt it sums up what the Worlds mean. He was 5th and the happiest guy in the gym. To put it in perspective he could have won Masters Bench Worlds by 30+lbs."

Thanks Donovan, and here's the picture you mentioned:

Monday, July 7, 2008

Next Up...USAPL Bench Press Nationals - Charlotte, NC

Squats - Bar x 8; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 225 x 6; 285 x 5; 345 x 4; 405 x 3 x 2 sets; 435 x 3 x 5 sets
Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 235 x 5; 285 x 4: 335 x 3 x 2 sets; 380 x 3 x 5 sets
Accessory - Abs; Tricep Pressdowns
NOTES: Next on the agenda is USAPL Bench Press Nationals in Charlotte, NC August 30-31. Goal: 300 kg Bench Press (661 lbs).

Did not train in New Orleans, LA

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 260 x 5; 305 x 4; 355 x 3 x 2 sets; 405 x 2 x 5 sets. Rack Lockouts - 540 x 10 secs x 2 sets
Squats - Bar x 8; 135 x 6 x 2 sets; 225 x 6; 315 x 3 x 4 sets; 405 x 3

Bench Press - Bar x 20; Bar x 15; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x 5; 275 x 5 x 2 sets; 315 x 5 x 5 sets
Good mornings - 75 x 8; 125 x 8 x 3 sets
Accessory - Lat Pulldowns; Triceps Pressdowns; Reverse Curls

Friday, July 4, 2008

Back at it...

Did not train. In Prague, Czech Republic having a grand ole' time!

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 10; 135 x 8; 185 x 6; 225 x 5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 8 sets
Accessory - Hammer Low Row; Triceps Pushdowns; Hammer Curls; Dumbbell Front Delts; Abs
NOTES: All bench press done with pink-on-ring grip.

Squats - Bar x 8; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 225 x 6; 315 x 5; 365 x 4; 425 x 3; 455 x 3; 475 x 1; 515 x 1
Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x 5; 260 x 5; 305 x 4; 355 x 3 x 2 sets; 405 x 2 x 3 sets
Accessory - Rolling Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 235 x 5; 285 x 5 x 2 sets; 315 x 5 x 5 sets
Deadlifts - 88 x 8; 155 x 6 x 2 sets; 243 x 6; 286 x5; 353 x 4; 403 x 3 x 3 sets; 463 x 2
Accessory - Dips: BW x 8 x 2 sets; 45 x 7; 45 x 6. Lat Pulls - 10 x 3 sets
NOTES: Trained with my good buddy, James Townsend, who was in town from Virginia for the 4th of July.

Nichols featured in The Clarion Ledger

On Saturday, U.S. World Team member Byron Nichols was featured in an article by The Clarion-Ledger. Nichols, 275, competed at last week's IPF Bench Press World Championships in Prague, Czech Republic where he captured fifth place with a 633 pound effort.

"You can't play defense in this sport," Nichols, 41, said of powerlifting. "You can only play offense. You can't control what another person does. You can only control what you do, so that's what I encourage people to do."

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


As most of you know, Joyce and I traveled to Prague, Czech Republic last week and I competed in the IPF World Bench Press Championships. Some of you I have already shared the results with but for those who do not know I have posted the results below. Words cannot describe what a great time we had! We feel truly blessed to have had the opportunity to go to Prague. Thank you to all my family and friends that played a part in helping make this trip happen! A big thank you to other sponsors as well including Cybex International, Titan Support Systems, APT wraps, House of Pain, and ER Equipment.

IPF World Bench Championships Results:

275 lb Class
1. Roy Holte (NOR) - 694.4
2. Scott Lade (USA) - 677.9
3. Janne Heittokangos (FIN) - 677.9
4. Artur Rejek (POL) - 639.3
5. Byron Nichols (USA) - 633.8
5. Kenneth Sandvik (FIN) - 633.8
7. Kjell Furesund (NOR) - 617.3
8. Kaido Leesman (EST) - 584.2
9. Janos Cserna (HUR) - 562.2
10. Sven Lange (GER) - 562.2
11. Jacob Stegelman (DEN) - 540.1
--. Marcel Jahnke (GER) - no lift
--. Fredrick Svenson (SWE) - no lift

I missed my first attempt at 622.8 (missed groove). I jumped to 633.8 on my second attempt and missed again on a technical call at lockout. I retook 633.8 on my third and final attempt and hit it perfectly. Three white lights....GOOD LIFT!!! I was worried that I traveled all that way and wasn't going to get a lift in but I pulled (more better yet pushed J) it out on that last attempt with a little help from above! I finished in 5th place among the very best benchers on the planet (PS - I was the oldest lifter in my class too). Not too shabby. I am very, very pleased!!!

Another USA lifter, Scott Lade from Wisconsin, took 2nd. Scott has been on the USA World Bench Team about 5-6 times and is a former World Record holder. TEAM USA took home the Silver Medal finishing behind Japan by only one point.

We had a blast in Prague but it sure is good to be back home!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Bench - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 5; 230 x 5; 275 x 3; 340 x 2 x 3 sets; 365 x 2
NOTES: Last workout in the states. Feel really good and ready to roll!

We fly out for Prague later today. All the training...all the waiting...IT'S TIME!!

NOTE: The IPF World Bench Press Championships are scheduled to be broadcast LIVE via the internet! My group is scheduled to lift at 1:00 PM on Saturday, June 28th. That will be 6:00 AM Central Time in the USA.

To view the event, simply click on the following link: http://www.powerlifting-ipf.com/. Once there you should see where to click for the World Bench Press Championships.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Competition Phase, Week 6

Squat - Bar x 10; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 225 x 5; 315 x 4 x 2 sets; 405 x 1 x 3 sets
Bench - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 5; 250 x 5; 340 x 2 x 2 sets; 385 x 1 x 2 sets; 405 x 1
NOTES: I leave a week from today for Prague, Czech Republic to compete at the IPF Bench Press World Championships. My training has never been better. I feel completely healthy and STRONG! I should be all set to perform at my best as long as the travel (time zone change) and food doesn't mess with me too bad.

Bench - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 5; 240 x 5; 285 x 4; 335 x 2. Put on Blue/Red Katana - 455 x 3 x 2 sets; 520 x 2; 545 x 1; 615 x 1 x 2 sets; 625 x 1 (see video below).
NOTES: This was my last shirted workout before the World Championships. Everything still feels really good. I am hoping and praying for the best!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Competition Phase, Week 5

Squat - Bar x 10; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 225 x 5; 315 x 4; 405 x 3 x 4 sets; 500 x 2
NOTES: All sets done with belt only.
Bench - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 5; 230 x 5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 365 x 3 x 3 sets; 385 x 3; 405 x 3
NOTES: All raw work this workout.

Bench - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 5; 225 x 5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 365 x 2 x 3 sets; 315 x 2; 315 x 3
Accessory - Tricep pushdowns and lats (Hammer low rows)
NOTES: Trained at Gold's Gym in Round Rock, TX.

Bench - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 5; 225 x 5; 275 x 3; 315 x 1; 365 x 1. Put on Blue/Red Katana - 415 x 3; 491 x 3 x 2 sets; 551 x 3 x 2 sets; 621 x 1 x 2 sets. Put on Blue/Black Katana - 643 x 1.
NOTES: Trained in warm up room at Men's Nationals in Killeen, TX. The two sets with 621 were about 1/2" from touching. The 643 in the Blue/Black shirt was probably 1" to 1 1/2" from touching.

Did not train at Men's Nationals in Killeen, TX

Sunday - HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the daddy's!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Competition Phase, Week 4

Squat - Bar x 10; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 225 x 5; 315 x 4; 405 x 3; 455 x 3; 495 x 1
Bench - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 5; 230 x 5; 275 x 4; 320 x 3 x 2 sets; 340 x 3 x 4 sets
NOTES: My legs were still feeling last weeks 315 x 10 x 10 sets so I took it easy on them tonight. Also hit some light accessory work after bench.

Did not train

Bench - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 5; 250 x 5; 295 x 4; 340 x 3 x 2 sets; 385 x 2 x 3 sets; 405 x 2
Accessory - Triceps; Lats

Bench - Bar x 20 x 2; 135 x 8 x 2; 175 x 5; 230 x 3; 275 x 3; 315 x 3 x 3

Monday, May 26, 2008

Competition Phase, Week 3

Squats - 315 x 10 sets x 10 reps
Bench - 230 x 5; 275 x 4; 320 x 3 x 2 sets; 365 x 3 x 5 sets
NOTES: I have always wanted to try 10 sets of 10 reps with 315 squatting so I went for it today. Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Feeling pretty good with my training for IPF Bench Worlds right now!

Did not train
POST NOTE: My legs are really SORE today!!!

Bench - warm up to 315 x 2; Put on Blue/Red Katana - 405 x 3; 455 x 3 x 2 sets; 520 x 3 x 2 sets; 585 x 2 x 2 sets (2nd set: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ltd5Km_T4KE); Put on Blue/Black Katana - 585 x 2; 605 x 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7SqsCd2U4U)

Incline Bench - 135 x 5; 185 x 4; 225 x 3 x 5 sets
Accessory Work
NOTES: At Snap Fitness Brandon MS

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Competition Phase, Week 2

Squats - 405 x 3 x 2 sets; 455 x 3; 475 x 3; 500 x 3; 405 x 8 (belt only)
Bench - 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 365 x 3 x 3 sets; 405 x 1

Accessory workout - Lats, Bis, Abs

Bench - warm up to 335 x 2; put on Blue/Black Katana - 405 x 3; 475 x 3 x 2 sets; 545 x 2 x 2 sets; 605 x 1 x 2 sets (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9Xjp93MS_E); put on Blue/Red Katana - 605 x 1 x 2 sets (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4jcD81ag98)

Bench - 225 x 6 x 6 sets; 275 x 6
Accessory work - Lats; reverse curls

Friday, May 16, 2008

Competition Phase, Week 1

Squat - 315 x 4; 365 x 3; 405 x 3 x 3 sets
Bench - 225 x 4; 275 x 3; Small Board - 315 x 2; 335 x 2
NOTES: Still feeling a little torn down from the Biggest Bench on the River. Took it easy on squats and bench tonight. All bench work done with pinky on the rings.

Bench - 275 x 4; 319 x 3 x 4 sets
NOTES: Trained at Steel Fitness in Houston with Tony Cardella and the gang. This is where I am going to train once we get relocated to The Woodlands so it was nice to meet and hang out with everyone.

Bench - Warm up to 335 x 2; Put on Red/Black Katana - 425 x 2; 475 x 3 x 2 sets; 525 x 2; 545 x 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkqS48ES9Qc); 585 x 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGV-Y86IazM); Put on Blue/Black Katana - 585 x 1; 585 x 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=799b4AVJ-Ro); Put on Blue/Red Katana - 585 x 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOgsvY53Bf4)
Deadlift - 315 x 3; 403 x 3; 453 x 2; 513 x 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrukOqulHSQ)
NOTES: Felt pretty good tonight.

Light incline dumbbells (up to 80 x 10); light lat & triceps work; Abs

Friday, May 9, 2008

Phase 3, Week 4

Squat - worked up to 315 x 3 and stopped. I was feeling really torn down.
Bench - 275 x 3 x 2 sets; 315 x 2 x 4
NOTES: Took it easy tonight.

Bench - worked up to 275 x 2 x 3 sets
NOTES: Trained a Paul Fletcher's House of Power in Baton Rouge, LA

Did not train

Biggest Bench on the River
Weighed in at 271
1st attempt - 625 (miss); Struggled to get this to touch and lost the groove.
2nd attempt - 625 (good); I really concentrated to keep my groove and SMOKED this attempt
3rd attempt - 650 (miss); Everything was perfert except the last inch. I think if I had not gone heavy the last two weeks I would have easily locked this out.
NOTES: I won Best Masters Bencher out of 21 Masters lifters.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Phase 3, Week 3

Squat - 315 x 5; 375 x 4; 430 x 3 x 2 sets; 495 x 2 x 2 sets; 500 x 6; 405 x 10
Bench - 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 365 x 2 x 5 sets
NOTES: I know I am training for Bench Worlds right now but my squats have never, ever been better than they are now. Last week I did 515 x 4 and this week 500 x 6. Elbow felt fine tonight.

Did not train

Bench - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 5; 225 x 4; 275 x 3; 315 x 2; 365 x 1. Put on Blue/Red Katana - 405 x 2; 475 x 2; 525 x 2; 575 x 1; 615 x 1(video below); 650 x 1 (video below)
Deadlift - 133 x 6 x 2 set; 221 x 5; 271 x 4; 309 x 3; 353 x 3; 403 x 3; 493 x 2; 533 x 1 (lost balance); 533 x 1. All sets done with belt only.
NOTES: Felt good on bench tonight! Here is video of my 615: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2ODEltIeBE. Here is video of my 650: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me0fg1_j39Q. I realized when I got home I had my camera set on a low quality setting. I will try to get clearer footage in the coming weeks.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Phase 3, Week 2

Squat - 405 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 455 x 3 x 3; 515 x 4 (all sets w/ belt only)
Bench - 345 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 405 x 2 x 2; 410 x 2 (raw work)
NOTES: Felt really good squatting. 515 x 4 with just a belt was a nice set for me. My right elbow was still bothering me some on the heavy bench sets.

Did not train - in Brownsville TX for work

Bench - 315 x 2 reps; 365 x 1; 405 x 1. Put on Blue/Red Katana - 405 x 2; 475 x 2; 525 x 2; 565 x 2; 585 x 2; 615 x 1; 640 x 1; 545 x 3
Deadlift - 315 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 365 x 3 x 2; 405 x 3; 449 x 3 (all w/ belt only)
NOTES: I decided to start training in my shirt on Friday nights thinking it would help with the tenderness in my right elbow. I did not expect to go 640 tonight but everything felt great! I am very, very pleased with this workout.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Phase 3, Week 1

Squat - 315 x 5; 365 x 4; 425 x 3 x 2; 480 x 2 x 3
Bench - 225 x 5; 265 x 5; 315 x 3 x 4; 365 x 3
NOTES: I took it a litte easy on bench tonight due to the tenderness in my right elbow.

Did not train - lazy

Did not train - in New Orleans LA for work

Did not train - in New Orleans LA for work

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Phase 2, Week 4

Squats - (belt only) 225 x 6; 315 x 6; 405 x 3; 455 x 3 x 3; 495 x 3; 405 x 8
Bench - 335 x 3 x 2 sets; 380 x 3 x 5

Bench - 225 x 5; 255 x 5; 300 x 4; 320 x 3 x 2; 340 x 2 x 2; 365 x 1 x 2; 340 x 2 x 2; 320 x 3; 300 x 5; 255 x 7; 225 x 9
NOTES: Trained a Paul Fletcher's House of Power in Baton Rouge, LA

Bench - 250 x 5; 300 x 4; 350 x 3 x 2; 385 x 2; 405 x 2 x 4
Deadlift - 225 x 5; 315 x 4; 365 x 3 x 2; 405 x 3 x 2; 455 x 3
NOTES: Felt a litte tenderness in my right elbow during and after this workout


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Phase 2, Week 3

Squat - (belt only) Bar x 8; 135 x 6 x 2 sets; 225 x 6; 315 x 6; 405 x 3; 455 x 3; 475 x 2; 405 x 6; 315 x 10
Bench - (all raw) Bar x 20; 135 x 6 x 2 sets; 185 x 5; 250 x 5; 295 x 4; 340 x 3 x 2; 385 x 2 x 3; 395 x 2; 405 x 2
NOTES: Jay and Walter were not there tonight so all sets were done with no spot. Rich was there supporting me!

Bench - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x 4; 275 x 3; 315 x 3 x 4; 365 x 1
NOTES: Trained at the Shreveport YMCA.

Bench -
Deadlifts -
NOTES: Did not train due to bad, bad weather.

NOTES: Did not train due to mission trip to downtown Jackson.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Phase 2, Week 2

Did not train - played in a charity golf tournament in Houston...it wasn't pretty!

Did not train - traveling home from Houston

Bench - 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 365 x 2 x 2; 375 x 2 x 2; 385 x 2
Deadlift - (conventional/belt only) 379 x 3 x 2 sets; 423 x 2 x 2; 443 x 2; (sumo/belt only) 443 x 3

Brother Bennett Invitational - I will be on hand to lend a hand to all my buddys and training partners!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Phase 2, Week 1

Squats (belt only) - 315 x 6; 405 x 3; 455 x 3; 495 x 3; 515 x 2; 455 x 6; 405 x 10
Bench - 340 x 3 x 2 sets; 385 x 2 x 3; 390 x 2 x 2

Bench - 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 365 x 3 x 5
Deadlift - warm up to 315 x 3; DL Suit straps down - 405 x 3; 475 x 2; DL Suit straps up - 525 x 1; 575 x 1; 605 x 1
NOTES: First time I deadlifted in my suit since...um...Master's National (last May)!

Monday, March 17, 2008

2007 USAPL Rankings

The 2007 USA Powerlifting rankings are out and I am absolutely astonished at how God blessed my lifting last year. I must give Him all the glory for my accomplishments!

In the Men’s Open and Master Bench Press, I was ranked #2 in the country (639) in the 275 lb weight class. In addition, the 562 I did at the IPF Master World Bench Press Championships ranked #15 in the world for 2007. Note: only international meets count on the IPF rankings.

In the Men’s Master 40-44 Full Meet Rankings, I was ranked #6 in the Squat (675), #1 in the Bench Press (585), #5 in the Deadlift (625) and #2 in the Total (1,885).

In the Men’s Open Full Meet Rankings, I was ranked #2 in the Bench Press (585) and #15 in the Total (1,885).

All the rankings can be seen here: http://adfpa.com/newsletter/ranking/rankings.html

I am amazed that at 41 years old that I achieved these rankings and set personal best in the squat (675), bench press (639), deadlift (625) and total (1,885) in 2007. There is no doubt that God had His hand in this.

On top of these rankings, I finished 2nd at the IPF Master World Bench Press Championships in Schwedt, Germany in September and 1st at the USAPL Bench Press Nationals in Denver CO in November. The 1st place finish at Bench Press Nationals earned me a spot on TEAM USA that will be competing in Prague, Czech Republic this June. I want to say a special thank you to everyone that has supported me over the years through prayer and financial contributions. Your provision means so much to me.

Praising God,


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Who's Visiting?

I have enjoyed getting this blog going but would love to see some comments. To leave a comment, click the "comments" at the bottom of this post. Thanks!

PS - Be sure to click the Ads by Google ads on my page!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Phase 1, Week 4

Okay, I have sort of jumped in to Phase 1 this week in preparation for the IPF World Bench Press Championships. You will see four weeks of Phase 2, four weeks of Phase 3 and then seven weeks of a competition phase. At this point, all my training will be focused on that meet!

Squat - 315 x 6; 405 x 3; 455 x 1; 495 x 1; 550 x 1 (1/2 squat).
NOTES: All sets done with belt only.
Bench - 355 x 3 x 2 sets; 405 x 2 x 2 sets; 380 x 2 x 3

Back & Biceps workout at Snap Fitness (http://www.snapfitness.com/)

Bench - Warm up to 315 x 3; put on B/R (blue front/red back) Katana - 405 x 2; 455 x 2; 535 x 2; 545 x 2; 585 x 1 x 2
NOTES: I didn't have it tonight. Both reps at 585 were VERY rough. Not sure what the deal was.
Deadlift - 315 x 3 x 2; 365 x 3; 415 x 3; 491 x 1; 501 x 1
NOTES: All sets done with belt only.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Week of 3/3/08 Workouts

Squat (belt only) - 315 x 6; 405 x 6; 475 x 3; 315 x 10
Bench - warm up to 335 x 1
NOTES: Felt a little torn down on bench, so I shut it down early tonight.

Did not train - in San Diego for IHRSA

Did not train - in San Diego for IHRSA

Did not train - in San Diego for IHRSA

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Squat Training

Here are some videos of recent squat workouts:

500 x 3 (belt only) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jad9g5IqQrM

565 x 2 (straps up/no knee wraps) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAwSQBhpCBI

605 x 2 (straps down/knee wraps) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3LVeG7Hd6o

Monday, February 25, 2008

Workout for Week of 2/25...

Squat - 315 x 5; 365 x 5; 405 x 6; 455 x 6; 500 x 3...all sets with belt only.
Bench - 340 x 3 x 2 sets; 380 x 3 x 5 sets
NOTES: Probably one of the best squat workouts I have had in quite some time.

Did not train

Bench - warm-up t0 315 x 2; Custom Katana - 405 x 3; 495 x 3; 515 x 3; 575 x 2; 585 x 2; 605 x 1
Deadlift - up to 315 x 5


Saturday, February 23, 2008

2008 USA World Bench Team!

Hey everybody! They have posted a new website for the 2008 USA World Bench Team. You can view it here: http://www.2008benchnationals.com/worldteam.htm. Note: they have me listed from Texas since we will be living there at the time of the actual World Championship which is June 25-28, 2008. Be sure to click on my picture to read my bio! You can also track my training progress at http://titan500.blogspot.com/.

With this competition right around the corner, I am currently seeking sponsorship donations to help cover my expenses so I can represent the USA at the IPF World Bench Press Championships in Prague, Czech Republic in June 2008. On November 18, 2007 I won the USAPL National Bench Press Championships in Denver, CO with an all-time personal best bench press of 639 pounds. This win automatically qualified me for the World Championships. This Championship is very special because it is the Open Championship which includes ALL ages. The meet I went to in Germany last past September was for Masters, which is for lifters 40 years old and up.

My survival as a teenager of a life-threatening bone infection in my right arm and my recovery from the terrible triceps injury I suffered in 2002 in my left arm to now being a part of TEAM USA at the biggest bench press competition on the planet is a remarkable story and a testament to God’s ability to bless those who walk in obedience to Him.If you would like to contribute this historic event, please mail any donations to:

Byron Nichols
222 Lighthouse Ln
Brandon, MS 39047

I appreciate your consideration and I am hopeful you will chose to be a part of my sponsorship program.

In Him,


Nutritional Supplements

If you are looking for a good, high qualitiy line of nutritional supplements, please check out www.advocare.com/02093898. I have been using AdvoCare nutritional supplements since September 2004. What sold me on the AdvoCare product line is that they are completely safe and THEY WORK!

Once you get to the website, click "Shop Now" in the header. This will bring up a list of product categories including Trim (solutions for healthy weight management), Active (vibrant energy and on-the-go nutrition), Well (nutrition for a healthy,balanced lifestyle), Performance Elite (advanced sports nutrition) and Definite Difference (definitive science for beautiful skin).

I have listed below some of my favorite products in each category:

Muscle Fuel - Energizes Muscles*; Maximizes Workout*
Muscle Strength - Promotes muscle strength*; Enhances muscle growth*
Nighttime Recovery - Enhances muscle growth*; Supports muscle repair*
Post-Workout Recovery - Minimizes soreness; Optimizes muscle recovery
SootheX - For the temporary relief of aches and pains
Slam! - High-powered, portable energy source*; Quick and easy; Sugar-free
Spark - Sharpens mental focus*; Long-lasting energy*; Sugar-free
O2 Gold - Enhances body's use of oxygen*
Rehydrate - Electrolyte balance; Optimal hydration
CorePlex - Provides core nutrition*; 36 vitamins, minerals and nutrients for better nutrition
OmegaPlex - Supports heart health*; Increases overall wellness*
Joint ProMotion - Protects, lubricates joints*; Provides improved freedom of movement*
ProBiotic RESTORE - Supports intestinal function and weight management*
Fruit & Vegetable Formula - Contains whole powders from 14 fruits and vegetables; Equivalent to five servings of fruits and vegetables
Catalyst - Supports muscle tone*; Enhances strength and energy*
Meal Replacement Shakes - Nourishes muscles; Supports metabolism
Many great products in this line especially for the ladies!

Have fun browsing the sight and I hope you find some products that fit your needs. Free free to post a comment or question below and I will get back with you.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Competition Phase, Week 2

Squat - (warm up to suit); Straps down/no wraps - 425 x 3; 495 x 3 x 2 sets; Straps up/no wraps - 560 x 2 x 2 sets; Straps up/wraps - I attempted 635 x 1 for 2 sets but was unable to get set up on either attempt.
Bench - 335 x 3 x 2 sets; 380 x 3 x 3 sets
NOTES: I think the problem with my squats is the fact that I took the time off to let my hamstring heal. I looked back at my notes and I tweaked my hamstring on 12/17. I did not attempt to squat heavy again until 1/28 (that's 5 weeks off) and on 1/28 I simply tested to see if I could resume squatting heavy. I had a decent raw workout on 2/4 and then got in the suit on 2/11. Bottom line is I have not built my base back up yet to step under 635! I am going to have to back my expectations down a little for the Brother Bennett meet and see what happens.

Missed - In New Orleans, LA working

Bench - Warmed up to 315 x 2; Put on training Katana (size 50) - 405 x 2; 455 x 1; 495 x 1; 545 x 1 x 2 sets; 545 x 1 (4" block); 585 x 1 (4" block)
NOTES: I decided tonight to not do the Brother Bennett Invitational, which is a full meet. With IPF Bench Worlds right around the corner in June I need to focus my full attention on that meet. Trying to train for a full meet is just too much for me right now with my new territory with Cybex, trying to sell the house and get moved to The Woodlands TX, and trying to train for Bench Worlds. I don't have time to train for a full meet AND my bench accessory movement. Starting tonight, full focus is on being my best at Bench Worlds!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Competition Phase, Week 1

Squats - Warmed up to 365 x 4; Squat Suit (straps down) - 455 x 3; 530 x 3 x 2 sets; 605 x 2 x 3 sets (w/ wraps)
Bench - 335 x 3 x 2 sets; 380 x 3 x 3 sets
NOTES: This was the first time in my squat suit since May 2007. I was a little shaky but felt pretty good for the most part.

Did not train

Did not train due to trip to Houston.

Did not train due to trip to Houston.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Phase 3, Week 4

Squats - 405 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 455 x 3 x 4; 455 x 4
Bench - 335 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 380 x 3 x 5
NOTES: I did a normal squat workout tonight which is very good news in regards to the hamstring. I should be on pace to do the Brother Bennett Invitational in Bay St. Louis at the end of March.

Did not workout

Bench - 355 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 405 x 2 x 5
Deadlift - 405 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 460 x 3 x 4; 460 x 6
NOTES: Great workout except for the fact my back caught at the end of my workout doing accessory work. Chiropractor trip scheduled for Monday!!!


Phase 3, Week 3

Didn't get to train very much this week due to a trip to Houston.

Squats - 365 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 425 x 2 x 5
Bench - 355 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 405 x 2 x 5
NOTES: I pushed the hamstring pretty good on the squats tonight, so I think I am going to be okay.

Didn't train

Didn't train

Didn't train

Friday, January 25, 2008

Phase 3, Week 2

This week was very difficult for me to train due to attending a Cybex sales meeting in Medway, MA.

Did not train

Bench - Worked up to 315 x 3

Bench - 335 x 3 x 2 sets; 385 x 2 x 4; 425 x 2
Squats - Bar x 8 x 2 sets; 135 x 8 x 2; 185 x 6 x 2; 225 x 5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3; 365 x 1; 405 x1
Note: This is the heaviest I have been squatting since tweaking my hamstring on 12/18. I am very pleased with tonights workout. If I can do 405 then I should be able to start back training on a regular schedule. If all goes well, I am going to lift in the Brother Bennett Invitational on 3/29.

A Powerful Message

Rick Burgess, of the Rick & Bubba Show, took the opportunity to speak at the memorial service for his 2-year old son William Bronner Burgess (also known as Cornbread on the show). Bronner had accidentally drowned in the swimming pool at their house this past Saturday. Rick delivers a powerful message showing his family's strong faith in God and helps us to understand what we can do to honor his Father and his son during this earthly tragedy.

I was so blown away at the awesome strength the Lord gave Rick to speak at his son’s celebration service that I wanted to share the You Tube clips of Rick speaking.

Click the links below and watch as Rick shares his heart with you. Praise God for using this man and his wonderful Christian family to further the Lord’s kingdom.

Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PUHUZWyFeg
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7aNDixS2J0
Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUT8Bk6Ou90

As of just a minute ago, there have been 260,053 people that have viewed these clips. How awesome. I pray that their lives were as touched by listening to Rick share from his heart, as I was.

Please keep praying for the Burgess family. Please use this as an opportunity to share the Lord with others. Rick gives us that challenge in his message.

Have a blessed weekend.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Phase 3, Week 1

Squat - 45 x 8 x 2 sets; 95 x 8 x 2; 135 x 8 x 2; 185 x 8; 225 x 8 x 2; 185 x 8; 135 x 8
Bench - 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 365 x 3 x 4; 385 x 3
Accessory: Triceps & Abs
Notes: I decided to test out my hamstring. It actually felt really good although I obviously did not go very heavy. I tried to be explosive on the reps and I did not feel anything in it. Hopefully that is a good sign and I will be able to start pushing the numbers up in the coming weeks.

Bench - 315 x 3; 365 x 2

Bench - 315 x 4; 355 x 3 x 2 sets; 405 x 2 x 4 sets; 405 x 4
Deadlift - worked up to 309 x 3 x 2 sets (1 conventional & 1 sumo)...hamstring felt pretty good.

Back/Biceps -

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Phase 2, Week 4

Bench - 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 365 x 3 x 4 sets; 365 x 5

Bench - 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 340 x 2 x 2 sets; 365 x 1; 385 x 1; 405 x1; 315 x3

Bench - warmed up to 315 x 3; Katana (Cstm) - 405 x 3; 475 x 2; 525 x 1; 565 x 1
Note: Trained at Paul Fletcher's House of Power in Baton Rouge LA. I haven't been in my shirt since Bench Press Nationals in November, so I decided to put my shirt on for some lifts. I had Adrian Serio, Wade Hooper and Rich Blaumuller spotting.

I am resting my hamstring for a couple of weeks. I did some very, very light straight leg deadlifts Wednesday night with no issues. I am hoping to get it healed up in time to do the Brother Bennett Invitational.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Phase 2, Week 3

Squats - 225 x 5; 275 x 3; 225 x 6 x 2 sets
Bench - 355 x 3 x 2 sets; 405 x 2 x 5 sets


Bench - 320 x 3 x 2 sets; 365 x 2 x 5 sets
Deadlifts - 135 x 3

My hamstring is still too tender to squat or deadlift. I am going to rest it the remainder of January and see how it feels going into February. This may put a damper on my chances of competing in the Brother Bennett meet at the end of March.

Upcoming Meet Schedule:
March 29 - Brother Bennett in Bay St. Louis, MS (3-lift)
June 25-28 - IPF Bench Worlds in Prague, Czech Republic
September - USAPL Bench Press Nationals in Charlotte, NC