Sunday, August 31, 2008

USAPL Bench Press Nationals Results

Well, I knew it was a huge gamble to open so heavy, but I had my goals set going into the meet and did not deviate from them. Here is how it went:

Last warmup @
Notes: Felt GREAT! I was ready for action!

1st attempt -
Notes: Had a tough time touching and the bar floated too much at my chest throwing me out of my groove.

2nd attempt - 672
Notes: Missed groove again.

3rd attempt -
Notes: This was an attempt at a new IPF Masters World Record. Groove was good but first two attempts took a little too much out of me I suppose.

Overall, I am good with the results. It was good to give the World Recort a ride. Now I plan on focusing on some full meets now starting with the American Open in St. Louis this December.

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