Friday, March 14, 2008

Phase 1, Week 4

Okay, I have sort of jumped in to Phase 1 this week in preparation for the IPF World Bench Press Championships. You will see four weeks of Phase 2, four weeks of Phase 3 and then seven weeks of a competition phase. At this point, all my training will be focused on that meet!

Squat - 315 x 6; 405 x 3; 455 x 1; 495 x 1; 550 x 1 (1/2 squat).
NOTES: All sets done with belt only.
Bench - 355 x 3 x 2 sets; 405 x 2 x 2 sets; 380 x 2 x 3

Back & Biceps workout at Snap Fitness (

Bench - Warm up to 315 x 3; put on B/R (blue front/red back) Katana - 405 x 2; 455 x 2; 535 x 2; 545 x 2; 585 x 1 x 2
NOTES: I didn't have it tonight. Both reps at 585 were VERY rough. Not sure what the deal was.
Deadlift - 315 x 3 x 2; 365 x 3; 415 x 3; 491 x 1; 501 x 1
NOTES: All sets done with belt only.

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