Sunday, November 30, 2008

Month 1 Recap

Well, I made it through a full month of training! I am fairly pleased with the progress. I decided to see what percentages I am currently training at compared to where I was prior to the time off. Here is a recap:

Week 1: SQ - 70% BP - 85% DL - 94%
Week 2: SQ - 80% BP - 88% DL - 94%
Week 3: SQ - 87% BP - 91% DL - Missed
Week 4: SQ - 89% BP - 94% DL - 96%

Bodyweight: The lowest I measured my bw was 263. This morning I was 272.5 so it seems that muscle is returning as well

Hopefully I can keep up this pace throughtout December and early January and then I will be ready to jump into a competition phase for the Aggie Invitational which is at the end of February. I want to be back to 100%+ on all lifts before I start the competition phase. I will recap each week to track my progress.

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