Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Phase 2, Week 4

Bench - 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 365 x 3 x 4 sets; 365 x 5

Bench - 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 340 x 2 x 2 sets; 365 x 1; 385 x 1; 405 x1; 315 x3

Bench - warmed up to 315 x 3; Katana (Cstm) - 405 x 3; 475 x 2; 525 x 1; 565 x 1
Note: Trained at Paul Fletcher's House of Power in Baton Rouge LA. I haven't been in my shirt since Bench Press Nationals in November, so I decided to put my shirt on for some lifts. I had Adrian Serio, Wade Hooper and Rich Blaumuller spotting.

I am resting my hamstring for a couple of weeks. I did some very, very light straight leg deadlifts Wednesday night with no issues. I am hoping to get it healed up in time to do the Brother Bennett Invitational.

1 comment:

Challenge Life said...

Dude finally a blog where I can actually relate. Rock on dude! Challenge YOUR Life!