Monday, February 4, 2008

Phase 3, Week 4

Squats - 405 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 455 x 3 x 4; 455 x 4
Bench - 335 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 380 x 3 x 5
NOTES: I did a normal squat workout tonight which is very good news in regards to the hamstring. I should be on pace to do the Brother Bennett Invitational in Bay St. Louis at the end of March.

Did not workout

Bench - 355 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 405 x 2 x 5
Deadlift - 405 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 460 x 3 x 4; 460 x 6
NOTES: Great workout except for the fact my back caught at the end of my workout doing accessory work. Chiropractor trip scheduled for Monday!!!


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