Tuesday, September 15, 2009

USAPL Bench Press Nationals Results

Well, things didn't go as well as I had hoped. In fact, they went as about as bad as I could fear. I arrived in Cleveland on Friday and felt really good about the meet. By the time Sunday rolled around, I was ready to do my thing!

Warmups - Bar x 20 x 2 sets; 132 x 8; 165 x 8; 231 x 5; 275 x 3; 319 x 1. NOTES: Warmups felt great! I put on my Red/Black Super Katana that I had done 628 easily in a couple of weeks ago. This was scheduled to be my opener in the meet. This is where the wheels began to come off. My first warmup set in the shirt was 451 x 2. Both reps felt weird which threw me off a bit. Next was 496 x 1...felt fine. Up next 589 x 1 which flew back into the rack on the way up. This NEVER happens to me and this was my last warmup...uh oh.

Opening attempt at 628 - The weight flew off my chest but drifted back toward the rack at the top. NO LIFT.

Second attempt at 628 - Again the weight flew off my chest but my wrist sort of buckled or something with cost me all my momentum. NO LIFT.

At this point, I was very disturbed at what was happening but I looked at the leader board and noticed that 644 would put me in 3rd place in a very, very deep 275 class so that is what I went for. The weight shot off my chest but I just could not lock it out. NO LIFT

I was very disappointed, upset and emotional distraught after this miss. I even contemplated retiring from powerlifting althought I have calmed down a bit now and am going to stick with it. The plan is to get back to the basics and get back on the platform at USAPL Master's Nationals in May of next year.

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