Monday, February 25, 2008

Workout for Week of 2/25...

Squat - 315 x 5; 365 x 5; 405 x 6; 455 x 6; 500 x 3...all sets with belt only.
Bench - 340 x 3 x 2 sets; 380 x 3 x 5 sets
NOTES: Probably one of the best squat workouts I have had in quite some time.

Did not train

Bench - warm-up t0 315 x 2; Custom Katana - 405 x 3; 495 x 3; 515 x 3; 575 x 2; 585 x 2; 605 x 1
Deadlift - up to 315 x 5


Saturday, February 23, 2008

2008 USA World Bench Team!

Hey everybody! They have posted a new website for the 2008 USA World Bench Team. You can view it here: Note: they have me listed from Texas since we will be living there at the time of the actual World Championship which is June 25-28, 2008. Be sure to click on my picture to read my bio! You can also track my training progress at

With this competition right around the corner, I am currently seeking sponsorship donations to help cover my expenses so I can represent the USA at the IPF World Bench Press Championships in Prague, Czech Republic in June 2008. On November 18, 2007 I won the USAPL National Bench Press Championships in Denver, CO with an all-time personal best bench press of 639 pounds. This win automatically qualified me for the World Championships. This Championship is very special because it is the Open Championship which includes ALL ages. The meet I went to in Germany last past September was for Masters, which is for lifters 40 years old and up.

My survival as a teenager of a life-threatening bone infection in my right arm and my recovery from the terrible triceps injury I suffered in 2002 in my left arm to now being a part of TEAM USA at the biggest bench press competition on the planet is a remarkable story and a testament to God’s ability to bless those who walk in obedience to Him.If you would like to contribute this historic event, please mail any donations to:

Byron Nichols
222 Lighthouse Ln
Brandon, MS 39047

I appreciate your consideration and I am hopeful you will chose to be a part of my sponsorship program.

In Him,


Nutritional Supplements

If you are looking for a good, high qualitiy line of nutritional supplements, please check out I have been using AdvoCare nutritional supplements since September 2004. What sold me on the AdvoCare product line is that they are completely safe and THEY WORK!

Once you get to the website, click "Shop Now" in the header. This will bring up a list of product categories including Trim (solutions for healthy weight management), Active (vibrant energy and on-the-go nutrition), Well (nutrition for a healthy,balanced lifestyle), Performance Elite (advanced sports nutrition) and Definite Difference (definitive science for beautiful skin).

I have listed below some of my favorite products in each category:

Muscle Fuel - Energizes Muscles*; Maximizes Workout*
Muscle Strength - Promotes muscle strength*; Enhances muscle growth*
Nighttime Recovery - Enhances muscle growth*; Supports muscle repair*
Post-Workout Recovery - Minimizes soreness; Optimizes muscle recovery
SootheX - For the temporary relief of aches and pains
Slam! - High-powered, portable energy source*; Quick and easy; Sugar-free
Spark - Sharpens mental focus*; Long-lasting energy*; Sugar-free
O2 Gold - Enhances body's use of oxygen*
Rehydrate - Electrolyte balance; Optimal hydration
CorePlex - Provides core nutrition*; 36 vitamins, minerals and nutrients for better nutrition
OmegaPlex - Supports heart health*; Increases overall wellness*
Joint ProMotion - Protects, lubricates joints*; Provides improved freedom of movement*
ProBiotic RESTORE - Supports intestinal function and weight management*
Fruit & Vegetable Formula - Contains whole powders from 14 fruits and vegetables; Equivalent to five servings of fruits and vegetables
Catalyst - Supports muscle tone*; Enhances strength and energy*
Meal Replacement Shakes - Nourishes muscles; Supports metabolism
Many great products in this line especially for the ladies!

Have fun browsing the sight and I hope you find some products that fit your needs. Free free to post a comment or question below and I will get back with you.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Competition Phase, Week 2

Squat - (warm up to suit); Straps down/no wraps - 425 x 3; 495 x 3 x 2 sets; Straps up/no wraps - 560 x 2 x 2 sets; Straps up/wraps - I attempted 635 x 1 for 2 sets but was unable to get set up on either attempt.
Bench - 335 x 3 x 2 sets; 380 x 3 x 3 sets
NOTES: I think the problem with my squats is the fact that I took the time off to let my hamstring heal. I looked back at my notes and I tweaked my hamstring on 12/17. I did not attempt to squat heavy again until 1/28 (that's 5 weeks off) and on 1/28 I simply tested to see if I could resume squatting heavy. I had a decent raw workout on 2/4 and then got in the suit on 2/11. Bottom line is I have not built my base back up yet to step under 635! I am going to have to back my expectations down a little for the Brother Bennett meet and see what happens.

Missed - In New Orleans, LA working

Bench - Warmed up to 315 x 2; Put on training Katana (size 50) - 405 x 2; 455 x 1; 495 x 1; 545 x 1 x 2 sets; 545 x 1 (4" block); 585 x 1 (4" block)
NOTES: I decided tonight to not do the Brother Bennett Invitational, which is a full meet. With IPF Bench Worlds right around the corner in June I need to focus my full attention on that meet. Trying to train for a full meet is just too much for me right now with my new territory with Cybex, trying to sell the house and get moved to The Woodlands TX, and trying to train for Bench Worlds. I don't have time to train for a full meet AND my bench accessory movement. Starting tonight, full focus is on being my best at Bench Worlds!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Competition Phase, Week 1

Squats - Warmed up to 365 x 4; Squat Suit (straps down) - 455 x 3; 530 x 3 x 2 sets; 605 x 2 x 3 sets (w/ wraps)
Bench - 335 x 3 x 2 sets; 380 x 3 x 3 sets
NOTES: This was the first time in my squat suit since May 2007. I was a little shaky but felt pretty good for the most part.

Did not train

Did not train due to trip to Houston.

Did not train due to trip to Houston.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Phase 3, Week 4

Squats - 405 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 455 x 3 x 4; 455 x 4
Bench - 335 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 380 x 3 x 5
NOTES: I did a normal squat workout tonight which is very good news in regards to the hamstring. I should be on pace to do the Brother Bennett Invitational in Bay St. Louis at the end of March.

Did not workout

Bench - 355 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 405 x 2 x 5
Deadlift - 405 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 460 x 3 x 4; 460 x 6
NOTES: Great workout except for the fact my back caught at the end of my workout doing accessory work. Chiropractor trip scheduled for Monday!!!


Phase 3, Week 3

Didn't get to train very much this week due to a trip to Houston.

Squats - 365 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 425 x 2 x 5
Bench - 355 x 3 reps x 2 sets; 405 x 2 x 5
NOTES: I pushed the hamstring pretty good on the squats tonight, so I think I am going to be okay.

Didn't train

Didn't train

Didn't train