Monday, June 14, 2010

Week of June 6, 2010

Sunday (265.5)
Arc Trainer - 20 min Interval Mode @ lvl 1 - burned 336 calories + 10 min Strength Mode @ lvl 1 - burned 213 calories = 549 total calories burned

Monday (266.5)
Bench Press - Bar x 20 x 2 sets, 135 x 10 x 2 sets, 185 x 6, 225 x 5 x 4 sets, 275 x 5. 3-Board - 319 x 3, 341 x 3
Accessory - Tris & Back

Off Day - Vacation in Galveston

Walked roughly 1.5 in Galveston

Off Day - Vacation in Galveston

Friday (266.5)
Bench Press - Bar x 20 x 2 sets, 135 x 10 x 2 sets, 185 x 6; 225 x 3 x 8 sets w/ 60 rest
NOTES: Started with narrow grip and widen every two sets finishing with pinky on the rings.
Accessory - Back/Biceps/Tris

Squat - Bar x 10 x 2 sets, 135 x 6 x 2 sets, 185 x 6, 225 x 5 x 5 sets, 315 x 1
NOTES: This week felt much better than last week. Hopefully I will get my leg strength back quickly.
Accessory - Leg Ext, Leg Curl, Hip Ab, Hip Ad, Back Ext

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