Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The Arnold Sports Festival rankings have just been finalized and I am excited to announce that I will be lifting in the IPF Titan Pro Bench Bash to be held in conjunction with the Arnold Classic in Columbus, OH March 6-7, 2010. For those not familiar with this event, it is invitation only and you have to qualify at a national or international event. It is a tremendous honor to be lifting on the Arnold stage! In my opinion, this is the second biggest competition on the planet just behind IPF Open Bench Worlds, so I a stoked to get to lift in the meet!!

As you can see on this link,, I was ranked 5th out all the lifters in the 220 pound class through the Super Heavyweight class. Time to start turning the intensity up in my training because March will be here before you know it!

1 comment:

Rearick Strength Systems said...

wow man thats awesome I hope I can get there someday soon the aronld classic is HUGE good luck