Thursday, February 5, 2009

Competition Phase, Week 4

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x 5; 275 x 3; 315 x 2; 365 x 1. Blue/Black Katana - 455 x 3; 525 x 2; 585 x 1; 585 x 2. Super Katana - 585 x 2; 635 x 1 (2 board); 635 x 1 (1 board).
Close Grip BP - 225 x 10 x 2 sets; 315 x 6
NOTES: This was one of the worst workouts I have had in a while. My lockout was just not there. I believe it is because I have been missing my light bench/heavy tricep day on Thursdays. I have not felt this unsure about my bench going into a meet in a while. I am going to have to figure something out in the next couple of weeks or it this meet won't be too much fun....

Squat - Bar x 8 x 2 sets; 135 x 6 x 2 sets; 225 x 5; 315 x 4; 405 x 2. Put on squat suit - (straps down/no wraps) 475 x 3; (straps up/no wraps) 545 x 2; (full gear) 605 x 1; 605 x 2 x 3 sets
NOTES: Got a late start and wasn't in to this workout mentally. The first set with 605 felt like 805. I refocused and was able to hit my next 3 sets for doubles.

605 x 2 (last set) -

Light Bench - Bar x 2o; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x 5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 6 sets; 365 x 2; 315 x 3
NOTES: At 315, started with close grip and worked my way out to pinky on the ring grip.
Rolling DB Ext - 45 x 10; 50 x 10; 60 x 10; 45 x 10
DB Curls - 35 x 10; 30 x 10 x 2 sets
Tricep Pressdowns - 20 x 3 sets


Island Strength said...


A dedicated heavy triceps day helped my benching alot. Now you're 5 1/2 levels above my lifting ability but anyways...I rotate Military Press and 3-Board BP w/Hvy Bands followed by either JMs or Rolling Extensions. I do a finisher of either Push-downs or one-arm DB Tates. Just triceps (with a little front delt I know).
Regardless, you'll kick some serious bench press butt. Good luck.

Byron Nichols said...

Thanks Island Strength. I appreciate your comment and input. It always helps to have feedback and reminders of what changes are need to make improvements. Thanks again!