Sunday, March 21, 2010

Latest on my elbow/triceps...

Nothing really too new to report. I got my cast off on March 11th but Dr Shah told me to keep my arm in a sling for 5 more weeks. I have a follow up appointment on April 15th and will likely start rehab at that point. I must say it is feeling pretty good so I am anxious to get started rehabbing so I can begin strengthening it once more.

I have started back in the gym a little doing some light lower body and one-armed stuff. I have also started doing some cardio. Yes, you read correctly...CARDIO! I just purchased an CYBEX Arc Trainer ( for my home and plan to really start cutting some weight and getting healthier. I would like to get down to 240-ish (currently about 265).

Anyway, that's the latest. Keep checking back for more updates!

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