Saturday, December 1, 2007

Seeking Sponsorship for Bench Worlds

I am currently seeking sponsorships to help cover my expenses so I can represent the state of Mississippi and the USA at the IPF World Bench Press Championships in Prague, Czech Republic in June 2008. On November 18, 2007 I won the USAPL National Bench Press Championships in Denver, CO with an all-time personal best bench press of 639 . This win automatically qualifies me for the World Championships. This Championship is special because is the Open Championship which includes ALL ages. The meet I went to in Germany this past September was for Masters, which is for lifters 40 years old and up.

If there is anything you can do to assist me with my quest, I would greatly appreciate it. Shoot me an email to if you are interested in sponsoring me. My survival as a teenager of a life-threatening bone infection in my right arm and my recovery from the terrible triceps injury I suffered in 2002 in my left arm to now being a part of TEAM USA at the biggest bench press competition on the planet is a remarkable story and a testament to God’s ability to bless those who walk in obedience to Him.

I appreciate your consideration and I am hopeful you will chose to be a part of my sponsorship program.

Best always,

Byron Nichols


NANNY said...


Will and Taylor said...

Great site. We've already added you to our list on our blog!