Sunday, December 16, 2007

Phase 1, Week 4

In preparation for the IPF Bench Worlds I will try to keep my training log current here. This week I completed Week 4 of Phase 1. I am actually peaking my training for the Brother Bennett Invitational which is a 3-lift meet in Bay St. Louis, MS on March 29, 2008. Once that meet is over, I will switch gears and focus completely on my bench press for the IPF Bench Worlds in Prague.

I have been doing a lot of raw work although I am getting a little tenderness in my pecs (sort of where the bicep tendon ties underneath the pec). Here is what my week looked like:

Squat - 475 x 2 x 4 sets; 475 x 4 x 1 set (belt only)
Bench – 365 x 2 x 1 set; 385 x 2 x 1 set; 405 x 2 x 3 sets

Missed - Traveling back home from Shreveport, LA

Bench – 335 x 3 x 2 sets; 380 x 2 x 4 sets
Deadlift – 415 x 3 x 2 sets; 475 x 2 x 4 sets (belt only)

Bench - 275 x 5 x 2 sets
Light Back & Biceps

Upcoming Meet Schedule:
March 29 - Brother Bennett in Bay St. Louis, MS (3-lift)
June 25-28 - IPF Bench Worlds in Prague, Czech Republic
September - USAPL Bench Press Nationals in Charlotte, NC

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