Saturday, September 27, 2008


I FINALLY got back in the gym!!

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x 5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 5 sets; 365 x 1
Accessory - JM Presses; Flies; Hammer Row; Abs
NOTES: Man, it was really weird training tonight after so much time off. I am looking forward to getting serious again. Stay tuned...

Bench Press - Bar x 20; 135 x 8 x 2 sets; 185 x 6; 225 x 5; 275 x 4; 315 x 3 x 2 sets; 365 x 2 x 2 sets; 350 x 2 x 3 sets
Incline BP - 135 x 10 x 3 sets
Close Grip BP - 135 x 10 x 3 sets; Rolling DB Ext - 40 x 10 x 3 sets
Flys - 35 x 10 x 3 sets; Hammer Rows - 10 x 3 sets
Rear Delts
NOTES: Well my strength is definitely down a bit after taking so much time off. I am going to have to get serious and consistent to get back to where I want to be. I am confident my strength will return quickly.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

New House!

We closed on our new house yesterday in The Woodlands, TX! We are very excited and can't wait go get settled. Here are a couple of videos:



Friday, September 19, 2008

Almost Got Started Back...

Well, I decided today was the day I was going to start back at the gym so tonight I got all prepared and headed that way. On the way, I called my training partner, Tony Cardella, to ask him about the rumor he had heard about the gym we train closing it's doors. He informed me it was true and they were there now loading up what equipment was his. GREAT! I didn't get to train, but I did get a good workout in....loading equipment on a trailor. Now the search is on to find another place to train.....

On a postitive note, it looks like things are recovering post-hurricane Ike. We are set to close on our new house in The Woodlands on Wednesday! We can't wait!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Time Off

Well, if you check my blog often I guess you can tell I have taken some time off since Bench Press Nationals. I believe my body needed the rest plus I have had a lot going on. We are in the process of purchasing a new home in The Woodlands, TX. Oh yeah, we had a little storm called Hurricane Ike blast through as well. Anyway, the rest has done my body some good as all the little aches and pains I have had are gone. I plan to get back in the gym starting this week so check back often! My plan now is to compete in the American Open (3-lift meet) in St. Louis, MO on December 10th. The IPF Masters 3-lift Bench Press Record is currently 639 so I have that in my sights...

Saturday, September 6, 2008